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Video in Marketing

Visuals in general are a huge part of the appeal to marketing trends and strategies and we are faced with hundreds every day, even if we don’t realize. The importance of video in digital marketing is seen mainly throughout social media, but the effects video-styled ads and promotional tactics have had in the social media space has created an increased importance in other areas of the marketing world. The consumption of data is constantly changing, but there are trends that come along and prove to be effective in the competitive and ever-changing atmosphere of e-commerce and social media.

For a while, videography was not as impactful as other forms of quick and lucrative advertising due to the older dynamic of social media platforms and the increase in shorter attention spans seen in millennials. The layout of platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram was very ‘touch and go’ if you will and centered around images or even simply just short spurts of text. As times change, so did these platforms and they did so through adapting features such as stories, that changed the way the app was used. The concept of the stories remains true to the fast-paced and fast attention span of the users but provides a more dynamic experience by giving so many more opportunities for creativity and simply showcasing things in a different way.

The development of e-commerce through the social media landscape with the rise of influencers as a business model and so much more, have created an interest in users/consumers being shown products and information through trendy-edited videos. TikTok is great example of the focus and intrigue of video consumption these days. While TikTok has not taken the e-commerce, business-savvy aspect such as Instagram, there is a huge influence to marketing styles and trends from the types of information and trends that circulate on the app. Personalization is a huge component in this weight of influence because that is what followers love to see and how they build a bond with the influencers and/or brands that they are connecting with via social media. This is also how the act of “vlogging” has become a new career path for so many via YouTube and then recycled through other platforms.

The use of video to attract attention and appeal in the marketing world is not necessarily a new tactic, but the way it is utilized has definitely taken a new form in recent years. The direction for video marketing as a tool has been shaped by platforms and given a newfound level of importance in the relationship between business and consumer. The minutes a day that people spend watching various forms of video whether it be short clips, stories, or TikToks, has skyrocketed even in just the last year alone. With this increasing intrigue for video content, it is important to recognize the paralleled increase in competition as video marketing takes over the previously still-life visual online market.


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